Stunning, iconic, Casino Square views

When you have a short time, limited budget and want to enjoy a fantastic weekend on the Cote d'Azur.

Finest hotel options

We've selected some great options from the array of Monaco hotel rooms for your experience. Your room is booked for the weekend, including breakfast each day.

Luxury race viewing locations

Your race viewing is a real bucket-list combination, with yacht hospitality on Thursday, Midi Terrace (Hermitage) for Friday, rooftop at Tabac on Saturday and Sunday the Ermanno VIP Suites, probably the best view in F1!

Upgrades and extras

We've already included the Yacht Cocktail Reception for Saturday evening in the package but you can add to this with 'Party in the Port' or, on application, such experiences as Amber Lounge or Jimmy'Z

Complimentary airport transfers for Monaco hotels

As befits an 'ultimate weekend' we've included complimentary road transfers between Nice Cote d'Azur airport and Monaco hotels. Normally something like an S-Class or V-Class depending on group size.

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